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a wellness space for beginners
Forum Posts
Jun 28, 2022
In Mobile App
The WUWM Mobile App will be disconnected as of tomorrow 12pm EST. We will be back online in a few seasons. Wishing you all a lovely summer! 🤍 xo Marley
May 20, 2022
In Mobile App
• one box of 10 assorted cookies
• one box of 10 cookies of your choice
• one pack of homemade Reese’s
• one small Caribbean Remedy
• one mini Caribbean Remedy
• one pack of homemade butter
• one loaf of homemade bread
• one bottle of hot sauce or vanilla extract
• one pack of cerasee leaves
• one pack of hibiscus petals
• one magnet $250.00
May 20, 2022
In Mobile App
The WUWM Shop is closing for the summer season and will reopen during the holiday season. The last available product is a sample box that includes some of our future treats. Supply is very limited so please place your orders ASAP. I'm also pleased to announce that we now accept KLARNA and PayPal's Pay Later for all orders!
May 13, 2022
In Mobile App
Hello family, I’ve missed us so so much. I’ve been experiencing the ebbs and flows of life, spurts of growth, and spurts of reflection, while gracefully learning the lessons along the way. I had to check in to let you know that I’ve been redesigning so many things and finding healthier ways of being. This year has been the most beautiful yet the most challenging period of my health journey. As you may know, I like to refer to WUWM as my baby — a baby that is now becoming a toddler. Toddlers have strong feelings and emotions, they have to learn how to walk and talk, they have to grow teeth, they have to try new foods and experience new sensations, they have to gain consciousness and grow out of their clothes at an exponential rate. As a mother, this season has been a very personal and delicate time. I’ve learned so much more about health and how it includes more than just foods but also includes our day to day lifestyles, learning how to communicate with our bodies, learning how to nourish our relationships with family and friends, and most importantly, learning how to nourish our relationships with ourselves. This year I am learning how to simply rest. The past few years I’ve been SO excited to live in flow and share my new discoveries, which has resulted in the food blog that you know of today. Now I’m learning the importance of moderation, balance, structure, flexible routines, and living a slower and more nourishing life. I’m learning what happens when we give too much to one area and neglect another. I’m learning that even if our spirits are high, we must train our bodies to keep up. I’m learning that the quality of our life is the quality of our relationships. I’m learning to rest when I’m tired and to do so guilt-free. I’m learning that wellness is also about facing our weaknesses and accepting them as is. I'm learning that our value is not tied to how much we are able to produce. I wasn’t conscious of my basic needs. I thought a self care day or a simple vacation was all I needed but as I’d go back to work, the strange feeling would reappear almost instantly. It was then I realized that I had to take a long period of stillness to listen to what I needed. I would’ve never predicted the answer being as simple as “time with friends, “talking more with family”, “letting go of expectations”, “honoring my limits” and most importantly “letting go hustle culture”. Though the hustler in me will never die, I’ve learned that I must take care of her just as much as she takes care of me. It’s truly fascinating how the most complex problems can have such simple answers -- truly a beauty of life. Arianna Huffington, creator of the Huffington Post, went on a REST campaign a while ago. I was so young and green at that time and remember thinking “?????” lol Now I too will be on a rest campaign. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply! :) Take it easy! xo Marley
Mar 06, 2022
Feb 28, 2022
In Mobile App
- drink lots of water as soon as I wake up - stretch asap, even if sleepy - eat only fruits until 12pm - eat a big raw 🌱 meal for lunch - eat WHATEVER for dinner + vitamins - greek yogurt then no food after 8pm - in bed by 11pm
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